Privacy Policy

This privacy policy is applicable for website and mobile application MODEL NOW.

How we handle any personal data you give us

When you join website and mobile application MODEL NOW we want you to know exactly what happens with your data, so you can have complete confidence in being one of our valued and much loved members.

The information that we request from you is for one purpose only, to improve your experience and help you get the most from being a member of website and mobile application MODEL NOW and to use our platform in a business to business way with your peers. To give you even more peace of mind, we look after your data in the right way and never share it with any 3rd parties.

What data do we collect?

For models and talents this data is collected :

  • Name and/or company name
  • Email address
  • Location
  • Gender
  • Website or portfolio link, if you have one
  • Password which is encrypted
  • Date of birth
  • Details of your transactions on our site
  • Date when you signed up, your last login, uploaded images, followed another user, loved, liked or favorited an image or another user
  • Ethnicity, nationality, hair and eye colour, height, shoe size, bust size, waist size, hips size, dress size
  • Languages spoken
  • Modeling categories and disciplines that suit your look
  • Your favourite places to connect with with people
  • Date when you apply to castings, or accepted/declined a booking
  • Details of payments made through our site, reviews, comments etc
  • Free text area called “About me” where you can leave any relevant professional information about yourself
  • Phone number
  • Social media links
  • Uploaded images

For photographers, brands, model agencies, casting directors, advertising agencies, production companies, media, showrooms, hair and makeup artists, PR / Events this data is collected:

  • Name and/or company name
  • Email address
  • Location
  • Gender
  • Website or portfolio link, if you have one
  • Password which is encrypted
  • Date of birth
  • Details of your transactions on our site
  • Date when you signed up, your last login, uploaded images, followed another user, loved, liked or favorited an image or another user
  • Visual media industry sector
  • Free text area called “About me” where you can leave any relevant professional information about yourself
  • Phone number
  • Social media links
  • Uploaded images

Content performance and features testing (A/B testing) – Google optimize

Phone number, usage data

Which 3rd parties do we share your data with?

We will not share your data with any third parties, unless we have your permission or are required by law to do so.

How long do we keep your data?

Your data will be kept as long as you are a user of our site and have not requested that your account and data be erased.

Where is it stored?

All data is stored on our secure European based servers.

Do we have lawful reasons why we need this data?

The lawful reasons why we need this data are legitimate interests pursued by the company, as established by the GDPR (Article 6).

What do we do with this information?

Analyse user activity to improve our service.

Provide a high quality and ultimately useful user experience throughout our site and email communication.

We may notify you by email, phone by SMS or Whatsapp, Facebook Messenger with important information of relevance to your account. Models can be notified by these channels if they have been invited to a casting or if a new message from a member is received. In addition if another user has liked, loved images or followed, or with changes and updates to our site, promotional offers, surveys, tips, news etc. Other users such as photographers, brands, model agencies, casting directors, advertising agencies, production companies, media, showrooms, hair and makeup artists, PR / Events can be contacted if the account is not approved, information about the user is missing as well as reminder to post a casting can be sent. In addition users can be contacted by mentioned channels if another user has liked, loved images or followed, or with changes and updates to our site, promotional offers, surveys, tips, news etc.

IP addresses and Cookies

IP address is stored temporarily for security and spam prevention.

Website and mobile application MODEL NOW uses cookies to store visitors’ preferences, record session information, record user-specific information on what pages users access or visit, record past activity at a site in order to provide better service when visitors return to our site, customise Web page content based on visitors’ browser type or other information that the visitor sends.

Cookies are text files that are either temporarily stored in the random access memory or on the hard drive of your computer. They generally serve for offering you the services of website and mobile application MODEL NOW within your personal settings of each new session, which basically means to give you a better and faster experience more in tune with what you like to see. Cookies are partly stored permanently on your hard drive. You may prevent this by setting your browser accordingly, however you may notice that our website does not run as fast and in the same way to what you would expect.

Technical security

We will report any data breaches and security issues to the data protection authority within 72 hours of discovery. We will also notify by email any users who are directly affected by this breach.

How can you control the use and display of your information?

All data that we gather is used to give you and other users the best possible experience on our website.

You have the right to edit or erase certain information about you on your account, but this may result in our site being less useful for you.

You have the right for your account and information about you to be erased from our site. You can find this by logging into your account and visiting the “Edit profile” and by clicking the button: “Delete account”.

If you want to opt in or out of the emails we send you, these can be changed in the Edit my profile section of your account. Certain important emails may still be sent to you, for example if you’ve forgotten your password, or if we update our Terms and Conditions or Privacy Policy.

You can request to see details of any personal information which we hold about you. If you would like to see this information, please contact us at: and mobile application MODEL NOW. You will need to provide proof of your identity and we may charge a fee to provide this information. Requests of information will take up to 30 days.

Changes to this privacy policy

We reserve the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy at any time. This page will show a notice that changes have been made. If a user objects to the updated Privacy Policy, they should request for their account to be erased and personal data removed.

We hope that this Privacy Policy answers any questions that you may have. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact us directly here by email at: Contact us.

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